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2018 Service-Learning Symposium: Vision and Hearing Safety and Screening

Presentation Details

Vision and Hearing Safety and Screening

Authors: Rebecca Kelly, Darby Lane, Elizabeth Bradley, Taylor Barrett, & Alaina Pantano

Faculty Supervisor: Lydia Watkins, DNP, MSN, RN, CPNP


Our service-learning project aimed at providing children with hearing and eye screening services. Our group first assessed the environment and identified a barrier of access to healthcare in the community at a local elementary school. Next, after assessing students we noticed a lack of seeking treatment due to lack of access to healthcare and affordability. We also noted that most children did not receive proper follow-ups or well child check-ups. As a way to educate the children on issues that arise during this transitional point in their lives we focused on the third-grade class. We targeted ear and eye safety due to the consequences that can occur from improper care. We gathered resources and collaborated with the faculty at a local elementary school to present a fun interactive educational session about identifying ear and eye safety. We opened up the lines of communication and provided them with evidence and materials to bring to their guardians. This project was about identifying a need in the community and trying to bring healthcare and education to children to prevent ear/eye damage.