Sex Ed.
Authors: Breanna Darnell, Juliet Gabb, Autumn Lotz, Alison McNamara, & Tiffany Nichter
Faculty Supervisor: Lydia Watkins, DNP, MSN, RN, CPNP
In early adulthood there is often a learning gap in knowledge about sex. The deficiencies include risks, birth control, and what defines a healthy relationship. In the southern U.S. these needs are unique due to the influence of religion and culture on exposure and access to complete education on sex, especially in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) community. An important approach to increase sexual health education is to use a platform that promotes open, positive, and accurate exchange of information, all of which can be enhanced by the use of humor. Trivia questions were utilized as an interactive way of engaging students to both determine their current competence on the subject, and in a non-judgmental manner, expose deficiencies. The initial challenge of the trivia board often blossomed into conversations about sex where accurate information was disseminated and students were provided the opportunity to interact with condoms (that glowed-for humor) and dental dams (an important prophylactic, especially in the LGBTQ community). Overall the approach was successful in engaging the student population and decreasing the Sex Ed. knowledge gap.