Water & Sun Safety
Authors: Kari MacDowell, Heather McDuffie, Trini Pacleb, Raquel Robinson, Kayla Sikes, Amanda Smith, & Rachel Stowe
Faculty Supervisor: Laura Grantham, MSN, RN
The focus of our service-learning project was Water and Sun Safety provided through an interactive, educational experience to K through 3rd grade students of Satilla Elementary School's S.M.A.R.T. afterschool program. Our group organized three stations in the school's gym. The students were divided equally, rotated through the stations and participated in: pool and beach safety, proper fitting and use of a life vest, the importance of hydration, how to respond to water emergencies (using a provided safety whistle to wear while around water), and what to bring for a day in the sun. At the end of the presentation, each student received a goody bag of related items. Considering the approaching spring breaks and summer months, our presentation was important and beneficial to this community. Utilizing the service-learning project, it allowed us to enhance our knowledge of the needs and diversity of this community, tailor our communication skills specifically to the developmental stage of the students, and apply critical thinking skills to create a health promotion program. Future implications to add include incorporating various community partners and additional interactive stations.