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2018 Service-Learning Symposium: Summer Safety

Presentation Details

Summer Safety

Authors: Breanna Darnell, Juliet Gabb, Jessica Martin, & Alyson Roberson

Faculty Supervisor: Nicole Masano, MSN, RN, CNM, CNE


The service-learning group taught summer safety education program to promote prevention of heat and water-related injuries as a means of primary prevention.  The researchers partnered with the YMCA and USCG to reach the 0-4 year old vulnerable populations by utilizing the YMCA's after-school programs as a target audience.  This provided parental education via brochures, and encouraged parent/guardian to attend the presentation with their child.  Early safety education can increase the number of individuals wearing sunscreen, staying hydrated, and following safety rules at public & private pools, beaches and in boats.  Before the presentation, the audience's knowledge on summer safety was accessed via question and answer session, then the team evaluated learning with a post-interactive activity to promote learning.  To stimulate positive reinforcement summer-related prizes were awarded for participation.  This service-learning project is important because it promoted health in youth, and will prevent summer accidents in Glynn County.  For future implications, the researchers recommend to include a multi-disciplinary approach, and involve health promotion via active learning.
