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2020 Service-Learning Symposium: Alzheimer's Disease Awareness and National Caregiver Month

Explore digital presentations by College of Coastal Georgia faculty and students related to their service-learning collaborative work for Fall 2019 or Spring 2020

Presentation Details

Alzheimer's Disease Awareness and National Caregiver Month

AuthorsMaddie Crawford, Shekerra Ellis, Lacey Harris, Patience Jackson, Ashley Miller, Sunshine Smith, Donna Tresvant, and Kimberly Woods 

Faculty Supervisor: Dawana Gibbs MSN, RN, CNE

Community Partner: College of Coastal Georgia Human Resources Division


Students worked with the College's Human Resources Division to raise awareness about Alzheimer's Disease. The group engaged participants in brain stimulating games, color sheets to enhance memory, stress squeeze animals, and lotion to soothe individuals who are in the role of caregiver. Brochures were provided to educate about Alzheimer's Disease and caregiver strain and answered questions and provided related disease and resources.