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2020 Service-Learning Symposium: Cameron Atkinson

Explore digital presentations by College of Coastal Georgia faculty and students related to their service-learning collaborative work for Fall 2019 or Spring 2020

Excellence in Service-Learning Awards

Outstanding Student Award

Cameron Atkinson

Cameron Atkinson

Class of 2020

Major: Double major in Biological Sciences Coastal Ecology and Environmental Science Natural Sciences

Hobbies: SCUBA diving & Fishing

“Service-Learning opportunities have allowed me to expand my knowledge base and gain a deeper understanding of how to utilize this knowledge to provide meaningful assistance to community partners. The Service-Learning courses I have taken at the College of Coastal Georgia have been a foundational component of my undergraduate experience and will undoubtedly boost my preparedness for the next steps in my career.”

- Cameron Atkinson

“Cameron excelled as a Coastal Ecology intern with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Coastal Resources Division during summer 2019. He took full advantage of the internship, learning about all aspects of marine fisheries and coastal management, developing practical skills, and writing a technical report to guide wetland restoration. His supervisors at DNR were extremely impressed with his performance and contributions, and they recommended him for the highly competitive Nathan Deal Conserve Georgia's Natural Resources Scholarship, which he won – the sole recipient in the entire state!”

- C. Tate Holbrook, Ph.D.

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