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2020 Service-Learning Symposium: The Positive & Negative Impacts of Technology and the Promotion of Physical Activity Among Adolescents

Explore digital presentations by College of Coastal Georgia faculty and students related to their service-learning collaborative work for Fall 2019 or Spring 2020

Presentation Details

The Positive & Negative Impacts of Technology and the Promotion of Physical Activity Among Adolescents

Authors: Alexandra Lodmell, Timmia McCoy, Ash-Lee Brown, and Mia Natson

Faculty Supervisors: Julianne Temple, MSN, APRN, CPNP, RN and Lydia Watkins, DNP, MSN, BSN

Community Partner: St Simons Elementary School


The Service-Learning Outcomes that were applied to this project were first the need of education concerning the overuse of technology and how that is affecting the target audience of older children and adolescents’ health due to a lack of physical activity. The school nurse Ms. Lynn Cody at St. Simons Elementary School recognized the need for this topic among the 5th-grade students, and we collaborated with Ms. Cody to bring education to the students. Secondly, the presentation involved using our prior academic knowledge concerning children’s health, particularly sleep and nutrition, to educate the students to further enhance their life with healthier and safer living concerning technology. This required a higher level of thinking in academic application to modify the information to the level of our audience. The 5th-grade students at St. Simons Elementary School represented how that population uses technology and obtains their physical activity. A service-learning project allows for collaboration with the community and to gain experience that can be applied later when joining the workforce in the future.