Mobile Eye Trackers: An Exploration of Use in Psychological Research
Authors: Austin Gleaton and Shane Crews
Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Carla Bluhm
This semester, for the first time in the college's history, CCGA students have engaged in a collaborative effort with Homeland Security within the Federal Law Training Center. Under the auspices of a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) crafted by VPAA Kay Hampton and FLETC officials, two Psychology students, one as a volunteer and the other in an independent study have been permitted to learn and study within the FLETC environment. Specifically, these two students are learning about Mobile Eye Trackers and how they are used in training environments within FLETC. The collaboration by Dave Band and Chief Norris is generous and provides a high level of learning for our students at CCGA -- I would like to recognize them in this way (a poster in the very least) at the service-learning celebration day. They helped to open these very substantial doors at FLETC to permit a flow of invaluable learning for CCGA students both now and in the future and opens future S-L Opportunities.