How Proper Dining Etiquette Can Help You Achieve Your Academic Goals
Author: Amy Blackmon, Daniel Fleuren, Kayla Jones, Sarah Mendenhall, Ashlie Simons, and Leif Shuman
Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Carla Bluhm
Six psychology students in their Psychology and Nutrition course teamed up with Chef Matthew Raiford to create an etiquette pamphlet. The project is intended to help current and future students at CCGA to gain the skills, knowledge and importance of appropriate dining etiquette. Proper etiquette enhances the ability to achieve educational and career goals, as well as to help build self-confidence. Research suggests that we develop our etiquette behaviors as children from the socialization we experience with our parents. However, the manners that we once thought were correct have the possibility of leaving a negative impression of our character.