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2014 Service-Learning Symposium: Darien and McIntosh Chamber of Commerce Youth Leadership Program

2014 Service-Learning Symposium

Presentation Details

Darien and McIntosh Chamber of Commerce Youth Leadership Program

Authors: Suncica Beba, Ryan Porter, Taylor Sweeney, and Maurey Moss

Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Mary Eleanor Wickersham


Senior Seminar Psychology students were invited by the Darien/McIntosh Chamber of Commerce to assist Director Mandy Harrison in designing a Youth Leadership Program for outstanding high school students.  The students met with Chamber officials, visited the community, and gathered information from other Chamber Youth Leadership Programs across the country to tailor a program specifically for McIntosh. The Psychology students produced a template for the six-month program including, among other items, nomination forms, a student contract, a flyer for teachers, an evaluation tool, and recommended activities in various domains specific to McIntosh County.