Mentor Toolkit: Creating a Resource for the Blueprint Project
Authors: Shane Crews, Chad Highsmith, Kauja Hurley, Damion Lampkin, Sarah Lewis, Maria Marshall, Priti Rijal, Tamara Sabatini, Ashley Sitalo, and Jennifer Yawn
Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Kimberly Kinsey Mannahan
For our Senior Capstone Practicum in Psychology class service-learning project, we created a Mentor Toolkit for the volunteer mentors for the High School Blueprint Project. The mentoring toolkit was designed to serve as a resource for mentors. The toolkit familiarizes the mentor with the rules and guidelines of the program, as well as some helpful tips to remember when interacting with mentees. There are three sections of the mentor toolkit including Mindset, Connect, and Goal Setting. Each section is comprised of advice, ideas, worksheets, and other resources to aid the mentor in having positive and productive interactions with his or her mentee. The “Mindset” section focuses on helping the mentor enter the mentoring relationship with an open heart and open mind. The “Connect” section focuses on strategies to help the mentor bond with his or her mentee. Finally, the” Goal Setting” section provides ways to help the mentee understand the importance and advantages of setting and following through with goals. We hope the Mentor Toolkit we created will help the Blueprint mentors feel confident and have the tools they need to help their mentees realize their potential and soar.