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ENGL 1102: Confronting Oppression: Intro

A guide for Dr. Mary McGinnis' course, ENGL 1102: Confronting Oppression (CRN 21378 | Spring 2020)


This guide is for English Composition 2 (ENGL 1102) taught by Dr. Mary McGinnis at College of Coastal Georgia. The course develops writing skills beyond the levels of proficiency required by English 1101, and emphasizes interpretation and evaluation, and incorporates a variety of more advanced learning methods.

Selected Films

GALILEO has several databases with streaming video. These resources include documentaries, news segments, feature films, how-to videos, and more. Check out our guide Films in GALILEO for a list of databases.

A Conversation with Gender Non-Conforming, Gender Non-Binary Youthdirected by Anonymous, produced by Microtraining Associates (2017), in Alexander Street, a ProQuest database in GALILEO.


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Find this film in Alexander Street, a ProQuest database in GALILEO. It features streaming documentaries and archival footage on the following topics and more: 


Films on Demand logo


Films on Demand is a GALILEO database with streaming documentaries, news, how-to videos, and more. The following is a selection of videos on the topic of oppression and social justice:

person holding quote painting, graffiti

This photograph is by Matteo Paganelli, and we found it on Unsplash, a site that offers open-licensed images. Need images for your research paper or group project? Check out our guide, Finding Images.

Selected GALILEO Databases


Need help finding the right databases for your research paper or group project? GALILEO has a YouTube channel with videos that show you how to make the most of your searches. Watch Finding the Best Database in GALILEO.

new york times logo

College of Coastal Georgia Library provides faculty, staff, and currently-enrolled students complimentary access to The New York Times online. Visit our Group Pass guide to learn how to activate your complimentary pass.

Selected Books & eBooks

Gil-Find and Coastal logos


GIL-Find is College of Coastal Georgia's online catalog, a database of both print and digital materials owned by the college. Some of the materials that may show up in your GIL-Find search results are in GALILEO. Examples include eBooks and streaming video. Can't find what you want at Coastal? Switch to University of System of Georgia (GIL Express) in the search box dropdown menu and search other institutions.