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Faculty & Staff Support

Course Reserves

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Course Reserves are materials such as books, films, textbooks, and other documents that the library has set aside at the request of faculty and course instructors.

Course Reserves materials are located behind the library Help Desk and are arranged on the shelves by Call Number. Materials may be checked out for two hours and cannot be taken out of the library.

If you have materials that you want to place on Course Reserve (or remove from the reserve), use our online form or pick up a paper form at the library Help Desk. 

NOTE: If this is an item you own, please note that it is standard procedure to create a temporary record of your item for our library catalog. This process includes placing a barcode sticker and spine label on the item. Both can be easily removed when the item is removed from Course Reserves.

Allow 24 hours for requests to be processed.

Questions? Contact Karen Haven at (912) 279-5784 or 


Tips for Your Students:

Some students bring their syllabus to the Help Desk and ask for materials by title. Others ask for materials for their courses and may not know the title, which is not as helpful in finding the right item.

Students often do not bring the syllabus with them. However, either the student or library staff can look up materials on reserve using GIL-Findthe library's online catalog. Searches can be done by:

  • the title of the item
  • the author
  • the instructor's name, or
  • the course (for example, ENGL 1102).

The link to the GIL-Find catalog is on the library's homepage. Change the drop-down menu on the search window from GIL-Find to Course Reserves to begin the search.