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Faculty & Staff Support

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The librarians at the College of Coastal Georgia are dedicated to helping you as you help our students succeed. This guide has links to library services and resources that are available to you. If you need something that is not included here, talk to us and tell us how we can be of assistance.

Faculty & Staff Library Checklist

New semester:

 Update your library account. Faculty and staff library accounts expire on June 30 every year. Update your account in person at the library, or use our convenient online form.

 Place materials in Course Reserve. Books, a copy of your required textbook, DVDs, and other materials may be placed in Course Reserve and checked out by students for in-library use only. Forms are available in the library and online.

 Update your free subscriptions. The library provides access to The New York Times for faculty, staff, and students. The Chronicle of Higher Education is available for faculty and staff. Subscriptions expire each year, however, students can keep their Times subscriptions throughout their time at Coastal. Instructions are in this guide.

 Collaborate with a librarian. Schedule in-person or virtual library instruction for your classes, request an embedded librarian, or collaborate on research guides for your courses. Use our online form to learn more.

 Encourage students to do the Online Library Orientation. Find it on the library homepage under "Get Help," where there are links to more library tutorials, the library's Question Center, and the ATTIC and the Writing Center. Students, faculty, and staff also can request one-on-one in-person research consultations or meet with a librarian via phone, live chat, or videoconference through the new Virtual Librarian service.


End of the semester:

 Return Coastal library materials by June 30. Books borrowed from other USG institutions or through interlibrary loan may have earlier due dates. 

 Collect any materials you have in Course Reserve if they will not be needed for the next semester. Use the online form or ask for a form in the library.