Course Reserves are materials such as books, films, textbooks, and other documents that the library has set aside at the request of course instructors. These materials are usually required or recommended for specific courses.
Course Reserves materials must be requested at the library's Help Desk, and may be checked out for two hours for use inside the library.
If you do not know the specific title of the item you need, check your course syllabus or search Course Reserves in GIL-Find, the library's online catalog. In GIL-Find, change the drop-down menu on the search window from GIL-Find to Course Reserves.
Then, search by:
A library staff member will retrieve the item from the Course Reserves located at the Help Desk. (Materials are arranged on the shelves by Call Number.)
Remember, most materials may be checked out for two hours, but may not leave the library.
Gould Memorial Library
College of Coastal Georgia
One College Drive
Brunswick, GA 31520
(912) 279-5874
Library Hours
Camden Center Library
College of Coastal Georgia
8001 Lakes Blvd / Wildcat Blvd
Kingsland, GA 31548
(912) 510-3332
Library Hours