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Coastal Scholars Showcase 2021: Service-Learning in the Pandemic


Poster Details

Presenters: Dr. Emily Boyle, Ms. Stephanie Conner, & Dr. Mary McGinnis

Titles: Lecturer of English; Lecturer or English; Assistant Professor of English 

Department: Arts & Humanities

Emails:,, &


The pandemic has provided both challenges and new opportunities for Service-Learning.  Mrs. Boyle, Mrs. Conner and Dr. McGinnis will present strategies they have employed for service-learning courses over the past two semesters, especially for online classes.  Mrs. Boyle’s students continue to partner with St. Mary’s Elementary School, focusing on how art creates community.  In Fall 2020, her class also collaborated with students in Dr. Ed Madden’s Creative Writing in the Community course at the University of South Carolina, writing poetry about SMES student artwork and creating lessons for the SMES students to write poetry themselves.  All of this work was done virtually, as visitors to public school campuses are currently prohibited.  Mrs. Conner’s service-learning course is a cross-disciplinary effort for nursing students.  Partnering with the Coastal Health District, they are composing an infographic of research-based, multi-platform social media posts to share and meet their education outreach goals.  Dr. McGinnis taught three sections of service-learning courses in Fall 2020, and her students choose their own community partners.  They completed a variety of projects including a brochure for Camden County Animal Control; creating, advertising, and creating a report to suggest park improvements for Glynn County Parks Department; a virtual #givingTuesday drive for Newport Partnership; an underwear drive for the Connie Smith Rape Crisis Center; and a video for The Farm at Oatland North to help publicize their organization and solicit donations.  Mrs. Boyle, Mrs. Conner and Dr. McGinnis will present their strategies via poster. 



Dr. Emily Boyle

Ms. Stephanie Conner

 Dr. Mary McGinnis