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Research Paper Basics

Research paper process graphic

The research process typically includes five broad steps, however, you may find other variations of this diagram. In reality, writing is not a linear process. While you may complete one step before moving on to the next, you will likely find the need to return to previous steps or complete multiple steps simultaneously. Be flexible and open-minded, and realize your topic may evolve and become more focused as you discover new ideas and questions during your research. If you have questions or need help, Ask a Librarian.

Step 1. Develop a topic

Select a Topic | Develop Research Questions | Identify Keywords | Find Background Information | Refine Your Topic
Choose a topic that interests you and one that meets the requirements for your assignment.

Step 2. Locate information

Find Books | Find Articles | Find Websites | Plan Search Strategies
Before starting your research, understand the types of information sources that are available and where to find them in the library or online.

Step 3. Evaluate and analyze information and sources

Evaluate Sources | Primary vs Secondary Sources | Types of Periodicals
Use sources that are accurate, relevant, current, free of bias, and written by experts with authority. Also, the types of sources should meet the requirements for your assignment.

Step 4. Use, organize, and communicate information

Notetaking | Paraphrasing
Learn how to take notes and paraphrase ideas. Create a system for organizing your notes and keep track of your sources.

Step 5. Verify information complies with legal, ethical, and moral standards

Plagiarism | Cite Your Sources | Copyright
Properly cite your sources and avoid plagiarism. Review the college's policies in the Student Handbook.