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Nursing Learning Community: Databases

Research Tip

Depending on the database you are using, articles may be displayed in different formats:

  • Index: Includes only the article's citation information (e.g. author, title, date, volume, etc.). Neither a summary, nor the full-text of the article is available.
  • Abstract: Includes the article's citation information and a brief summary of the article's content. Abstracts do not include the full-text article.
  • Full-text: Includes an electronic copy of the actual article. Depending on the database, the article may be available in HTML format, .pdf format (displays the article as it originally appeared in the journal with graphics and pictures), or both.

GALILEO Databases



Need help finding the right databases for your research paper or project? GALILEO lists its databases alphabetically and by subject on its homepage. Look for these subjects:

  • Health & Medicine
  • Nursing & Allied Health
  • Consumer Health
  • Pharmacy & Pharmacology
  • Biology

GALILEO databases may require you to log in using your Coastal credentials. Some databases also are accessible for free on the internet. Look for the asterisk (*).

Need help finding or accessing databases for your research paper or project? Ask a librarian. Also, GALILEO has a YouTube channel with videos that show you how to make the most of your searches. Watch Finding the Best Database in GALILEO.

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