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Nursing Learning Community: Books

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College of Coastal Georgia's online catalog is called GIL-Find. It is a database of both print and digital materials owned by the college. Some of the materials that may show up in your GIL-Find search results are in GALILEO. Examples include eBooks and streaming videos.

Can't find the book you want at Coastal? Switch to the University of System of Georgia in the search box dropdown menu and search for books at other USG institutions. Sign in to your GIL-Find library account to request books from other institutions.

Need help? Ask a librarian.

Interlibrary Loan

If you need a book for your research, and you can't find it in GIL-Find, at other institutions in the University System of Georgia, or in GALILEO and our eBook collections, you may request it through our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service.

ILL requests can take up to two weeks to process but generally costs nothing. Librarians will be glad to help you with ILL requests.

Logo for R2 Digital Library


R2 Digital Library is an eBook platform for health science-related collections. Coastal College libraries provide access to the collections as a service to students, faculty, and staff.

Access R2 Digital Library on campus with any web-enabled device. Access it off campus through D2L.

Selected Books & eBooks

The following is a sampling of eBooks found in R2 Digital Library and in GALILEO, which you can search through GIL-Find.

Tip: When searching in GIL-Find, limit your search to eBooks by clicking "Books" in the "Tweak my results" column on the left side of the results page. Then click "Full Access Online" for eBooks. 

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