The Georgia Sea Island Singers sing Throw Me Anywhere Lord while performing The Buzzard Lope, a dance that mimics the movements of a buzzard circling its prey.
Video Citation: Bishop, J. M. (2009, December 13). Throw me anywhere lord. [Video]. YouTube.
The McIntosh County Shouters perform the Ring Shout at the Library of Congress.
The "Ring Shout" is a performance tradition in the Gullah-Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor. The word "shout" does not refer to the voice, rather some historians believe it originated from the Arabic word, saut, referring to movement around the Kabaa in Mecca.
The Ring Shout is among the oldest known African-American performance traditions surviving on the North American continent. It is still performed in McIntosh County, Georgia, with the McIntosh County Shouters being the most prominent group carrying on the tradition.
Video Citation: Library of Congress. (2011, April 12). McIntosh County Shouters: Gullah-Geechee Ring Shout from Georgia. [Video]. YouTube.
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