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Health Promotion: Books

Finding Books & eBooks

gil-find and ccga logos

GIL-Find is the library catalog, a database of all of the books and journals on the library’s shelves, as well as digital resources such as eBooks, videos, and, eJournals owned by College of Coastal Georgia. 

Each student, faculty, and staff member has a GIL-Find account. Once you are in the GIL-Find catalog, sign in with your college credentials.

Books also may be checked out from other institutions within the University System of Georgia. To use this service, sign in to your GIL-Find account and switch College of Coastal Georgia to the University System of Georgia in the search box drop-down menu. USG books will be included in your search results.

Public users do not have borrowing privileges but may access books in Coastal's collection while in the library. Some books may be available at your public library. 


GIL-Find Tutorial

Tip: When searching in GIL-Find, limit your search to eBooks by clicking "Books" in the "Tweak my results" column on the left side of the results page. Then click "Full Access Online" for eBooks. 

Selected Books

R2 Digital Library

The R2 Digital Library is a database of medical, nursing and allied health eBooks purchased by the library. Some books are Open Access and an unlimited number of people may use the books at one time. Other books have licenses that limit the number of users who may access the material.


R2 How To: Quick Start for Library Users on YouTube