Trolling a Troll: Investigation of Internet Behavior
An Investigation of Attitudes in the Workplace
Perceptions of Gender Bias in the Media
Attitudes Towards Online Deception
Investigating Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Parenting Roles
Sorry for your loss? Investigating Responses to Grief
Does Symptom Display and Gender Influence Attitudes toward Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Fake News: An Investigation of Trust in Media
Do Personality Traits Affect Interest in Job Advertisements?
The Effects of Language on Attitude
College Students' Perceptions of Roadside Memorials
College Students' Reactions to Behaviors associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder
The Impact of Feature Films on Perceptions of People with Mental Disorders
The Impact of Race and Criminal History on Hiring Decisions
Hiring Decisions: Do Criminal History and Race Matter?
An Investigation of the Effects of Peppermint on Ability to Focus
College Students’ Perceptions of the Benefits of Student Involvement
The Influence of Time Urgency and Conformity on Taking Shortcuts
Perceptions of Miscarriage: The Impact of Gestational Age, Marital Status, and Religiosity
College Students’ Perceptions of Electronic vs Traditional Cigarette Smokers
“Having it All”: Perceptions of Work-Life Balance
The Effects of Costly Sharing on Prosocial Behavior
Increasing Access to Mental Health Services for the Uninsured
The Effects of Social Status and Gender on Memory Conformity
An Investigation of Stigma Towards Adopted Children: The Influence on Race
Attitudes Toward Public Breastfeeding
Gender Conformity and Aggression
Does Symptom Display and Gender Influence Mental Disorder Stigma?
Attitudes Toward Victims of Sexual Assault
Intimate Partner Violence: Attitudes Toward People Who Stay
Trolling a Troll: Investigation of Internet Behavior
An Investigation of Attitudes in the Workplace
Perceptions of Gender Bias in the Media
Attitudes Towards Online Deception
Investigating Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Parenting Roles
Sorry for your loss? Investigating Responses to Grief
Does Symptom Display and Gender Influence Attitudes toward Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Fake News: An Investigation of Trust in Media
Do Personality Traits Affect Interest in Job Advertisements?
The Effects of Language on Attitude
College Students' Perceptions of Roadside Memorials
College Students' Reactions to Behaviors associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder
The Impact of Feature Films on Perceptions of People with Mental Disorders
The Impact of Race and Criminal History on Hiring Decisions
Hiring Decisions: Do Criminal History and Race Matter?
An Investigation of the Effects of Peppermint on Ability to Focus
College Students’ Perceptions of the Benefits of Student Involvement
The Influence of Time Urgency and Conformity on Taking Shortcuts
Perceptions of Miscarriage: The Impact of Gestational Age, Marital Status, and Religiosity
College Students’ Perceptions of Electronic vs Traditional Cigarette Smokers
“Having it All”: Perceptions of Work-Life Balance
The Effects of Costly Sharing on Prosocial Behavior
Increasing Access to Mental Health Services for the Uninsured
The Effects of Social Status and Gender on Memory Conformity
An Investigation of Stigma Towards Adopted Children: The Influence on Race
Attitudes Toward Public Breastfeeding
Gender Conformity and Aggression
Does Symptom Display and Gender Influence Mental Disorder Stigma?
Attitudes Toward Victims of Sexual Assault
Intimate Partner Violence: Attitudes Toward People Who Stay
Trolling a Troll: Investigation of Internet Behavior