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Embedded Librarians: Guide

What is an embedded librarian?

Embedding a librarian in your course is a great way to provide more consistent and personalized assistance for your students.

An embedded librarian is especially useful for online classes that involve a research component.

Including a librarian in D2L can also extend students' access to research assistance after an information literacy instruction session.

Librarians can be active in the course to the extent the faculty member prefers.



How do embedded librarians help students?

Embedded librarians can assist faculty and interact with students in a variety of ways, including:

  • Office Hours -- Librarians can schedule "virtual office hours" during which students can ask questions about their research via live chat or discussion boards.
  • Resource Lists -- Librarians can alert students to the latest books or articles relevant to their research topics and/or compile resource lists for specific courses.
  • Research Guides -- A librarian can create a Research Guide targeted to your course's research assignments.
  • Online Tutorials -- Librarians can create or locate brief tutorials specific to your courses or assignments.
  • Library Instruction -- Librarians can schedule and give live research instruction sessions online that support a targeted assignment or skill.


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Michele Nicole Johnson
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College of Coastal Georgia