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Shakespeare Research Guide: Finding Articles

Recommended Databases: Require Current Galileo Password for Home Access

Hover over the link to see the specific topics best found in each database.

Four Search Strategies

  Database Search Techniques

Databases respond best to keyword searching.  To search efficiently, turn your research question into a keyword search like this:

Research Question:  How does Shakespeare's portrayal of Rosalind in As You Like It compare with Renaissance attitudes toward women?

Search One: (Search with keywords connected by “and”):
Rosalind and portrayal and As You Like It and women and Renaissance

Search Two: (Truncate some of the keywords using *):
Rosalind and portray* and As You Like It and women and Renaissance

Search Three: (Add alternate words into the search with “(or)”):
Rosalind and portray* and As You Like It and (gender or women) and Renaissance

Go to the Four Search Strategies video on this page for examples of all of these searches.