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Open Access Textbooks and Other Open (Free) Resources For USG Faculty and Students : MERLOT

This guide is designed to provide information about openly accessible textbooks and other scholarly information.


Open Textbook Services (MERLOT)

MERLOT is a free and open online community of resources designed primarily for faculty, staff and students of higher education from around the world to share their learning materials and pedagogy.   MERLOT is a leading edge, user-centered, collection of peer reviewed higher education, online learning materials, catalogued by registered members and a set of faculty development support services.

MERLOT has one of the largest collections of open textbooks with thousands of free open textbooks in the collection. As with all MERLOT resources, the textbooks are searchable by topic. Additionally one can use the Advanced Search tool to find open textbooks by audience, format, license, etc.

Some advantages of the MERLOT textbook collection include:

  • Largest known collection of thousands of free open textbooks.
  • Some of the textbooks have MERLOT Peer Reviews.
  • MERLOT Members may add comments that users can read.
  • Learning Exercises can be added to the description of the textbook.
  • MERLOT Members can put the textbook in a Personal Collection for easy access.
  • Users can read descriptions as well as other information about the textbook such as author, suggested audience, licensing issues, technical requirements, etc.

Open Textbook Services (MERLOT)