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October is LGBTQ History Month!: Home

What is Gay (LBGTQ) Month?

LGBTQ History Month is a month-long observance dedicated to education, celebration, and awareness of the history, achievements, and impact of individuals who identify in these ways and their communities.

The term LGBTQ is a term that collectively represents people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (or those questioning their gender identity or sexuality). There are many variations of the abbreviation (such as LGBTQ+ and LGBTQIA) intended to represent those who identify in different ways (such as intersex, asexual, pansexual, intergender, aromantic, nonbinary, and two-spirit, among many other nonheteronormative identities that have traditionally been marginalized and discriminated against). LGBTQ History Month is typically considered to encompass all such identities.

LGBTQ History Month is different from Pride Month (sometimes called LGTBQ Pride Month), which is celebrated in June. Both observances celebrate people who identify in these ways, but LGBTQ History Month is more specifically focused on education about LGBTQ history.

(LGBTQ History Month | History & Origin |

Banned and Challenged Books

The American Library Association's Office of Intellectual Freedom has tracked 729 challenges to books in library collections in 2021. Many of these challenges call for banning or removal of works having LBGTQ subjects and themes. To learn more about this issue click on the link below.