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2022 Service-Learning Symposium: Safe Harbor / Zach's Place

Safe Harbor / Zach’s Place

Authors: Christa Pittman 

Faculty Supervisor: Anelise Farris, Ph.D.

Community Partner: Safe Harbor / Zach’s Place 


My community partner was Safe Harbor/ Zach’s Place. Zach’s Place is an emergency shelter that provides many services to run away and homeless youth. I organized a drive that brought in needed items and raised money. Most importantly I was able to bring awareness about Zach’s Place and shed light on what they do to help the homeless youth and runaway youth in our community. Not many people that I interacted with had heard of Zach’s Place including myself. It is important for members of the community to get involved and help organizations such as Zach’s Place. I was able to get local community members/ businesses involved by organizing a drive that helped to raise money and collect donations of items such as personal hygiene items and bags. The drive was a success. My hope is that the community members I have interacted with will continue to donate to local organizations especially places like Zach’s Place. Many of the youth that are in need of Zach’s Place services are able to benefit from their services in hopes that they will be able to succeed into adult hood without/ limited struggles that usually follow youth runaways and youth homelessness.