Authors: David Stanphill
Faculty Supervisor: Anelise Farris, Ph.D.
Community Partner: Keep Golden Isles Beautiful
My Service-Learning project was in partnership with KGIB aka Keep Golden Isles Beautiful. I reached out to them and attended the Marsh Madness Cleanup at Mary Ross Park. While at the community service event, I amongst other, went around the park, tracks and shoreline seeking out any trash or out of place objects. The reason I chose this event was because I had grown up a boy scout and know the importance of environmentalism. I was taught at a young age to leave the environment better than I found it. Because of this I have grown up with the respect for my environment. This has led me to work cleanup jobs and community service events in the past where I pick up and look after nature. With this experience I felt motivated to act upon this opportunity that KGIB provided. It always pains me to see the community I live in and cherish, to be unmaintained by its fellow citizens. Its our job to take care of our home. Seeing Mary Ross Park with heaps of trash pilled in bushes and thrown over was hard to see. However, with the organization and volunteers that day I’m proud to say that the park was restored. Because of this service-learning opportunity and KGIB Mary Ross Park and many other areas are now flourishing like they once were. Though there is still work to be done. If anyone feels called to help take care of the community in a much-needed area, they can email KGIB at info.kbgib@gmail.com or contact them at 912-279-1490. The help would be much appreciated.