Ecosystem Protection
Authors: James Gaither
Faculty Supervisor: Anelise Farris, Ph.D.
Community Partner: Georgia Department of Natural Resources
For this service-learning project, I connected with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and did a trash pickup on the beach with volunteers. This cleaned the beach and prevented pollution that would harm the wildlife in the area that the community is dependent upon. South Georgia is well known for their commercial shrimping and fishing so having a clean waterway system is crucial. We all need to do our best to keep the coastal banks clean for the wildlife and our pleasure as we do not wish to see our beaches polluted with trash that is killing our fish and deterring visitors from our geographic location. I feel an innate sense of responsibility to care for our environment and keep it clean so we can enjoy it’s beauty and the gifts it has to give us. For this reason, I believe there needs to be volunteer trash pickups on the beach more often so that there is less pollutants being washed from our shore and into our marine ecosystem.