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2019 Service-Learning Symposium: Social Justice, Civil Rights, Human Rights: A Discussion

2019 Service-Learning Symposium

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Presentation Details

Social Justice, Civil Rights, Human Rights: A Discussion

Authors: Ana Brown, Joanna Zangla, Savanna Coleman, Kayla Caldwell, Josh Ball, and Ayshia Baker

Faculty Supervisor: Sharon Sellers-Clark, Ph.D.


Our group has discussed the issues referring to the intercultural dimensions of social justice, civil rights and human rights, and the intercultural dimensions of current movement for social change (immigrant’s rights, LGBT rights, economic Justice-Occupy protests, Arab Spring). This project gave our group insight that we would not normally have by allowing us to discuss touchy subjects in a comfortable environment with a diverse group of people. Communicating amongst our peers and each other was amusing and truly was educational as well. This experience was a pleasure because we learned different things about each other and our different perspective on intercultural dimensions.