Service-Learning Internship in Coastal Ecology at Coastal Resources Division
Author: Clayton Davis
Faculty Supervisor: C. Tate Holbrook, Ph.D.
During the summer of 2018, I participated in a service-learning internship at the Coastal Resources Division (CRD) of the Department of Natural Resources. My goal was to shadow and assist in the various responsibilities that the CRD performs in the management and conservation of the Georgia coast. The bulk of my time was spent with the Coastal Zone Management section as they have the widest ranging responsibilities, including water quality monitoring, permitting and enforcement, public education, and research coordination. The Marine Fisheries section’s priorities lie in management of recreational and commercial fisheries and collecting data on fish populations. I was able to contribute to every one of these missions to some extent. I was also able to spend a week with the Wildlife Resources Division Wildlife Conservation section and help with coastal wildlife surveying. This wide purview of the CRD provided opportunities to better understand how resources are managed on the coast and the complex relationships between federal and local government, along with partner organizations and the public. My key takeaway from my time with CRD is that they are acting on the public’s behalf as stewards of our coast.