Physical Health and Wellness Education in Pre-Adolescent Children
Authors: Austin Lawson, Ashley Ranstadler, Jennifer Wiggins, and Laura Williams
Faculty Supervisor: Nicole Masano MSN, RN, CNM, CNE
Our service-learning group partnered with Altama Elementary School at their Annual Health Fair to provide education on blood pressure, healthy eating, and physical activity. Through hands on learning, our group demonstrated to the students how to choose a balanced meal based on the My Plate standards and the importance for increased physical activity in their daily lives. Upon completion of the fun educational activities, the children could select a toy to take home that promotes increased physical activity. This project humbled our group as we realized the increased need for resources and education in this community. By educating students at a young age they will be able to make healthy choices in the future. Working with the school nurse and interacting with the students, families, and educators we were able to provide increased opportunities for physical and nutritional education for all of the students. We now hope that these students will make the healthiest choices possible so they maintain a healthy lifestyle for years to come.