Glynn Environmental Coalition Program Development
Authors: Tamara Adams, Carly Perez, Adam Standridge, and Morgan Strickland
Faculty Supervisor: Marci R. Culley, Ph.D.
This poster presents a service-learning (S-L) project done to fulfill partial requirements for a psychology class in Program Development and Grant Writing (PSYC 4510) and in partnership with the Glynn Environmental Coalition’s (GEC) Executive Director and Board of Directors. GEC is a non-profit organization that was formed in 1990 by local citizens to address significant environmental contamination in the area (17 identified hazardous waste sites, four Superfund sites, and four actively polluting industries). GEC is focused on governmental oversight and environmental justice issues and engages in community organizing and advocacy, public education / outreach, and technical assistance. The S-L project required that students apply the theories and concepts learned in the class to conduct a preliminary review the GEC’s Safe Seafood Program and to determine, after comparison with similar evidence-based public education / outreach programs, any potential recommendations for further program development. The team’s method included the use of a logic model. Program successes and recommendations for further program development are presented and discussed.