Food Allergy Awareness and Happy Hands
Authors: Liz Gilbert, Charli Hall, Marti Landow, and Julia Tindall
Faculty Supervisor: Nicole Masano MSN, RN, CNM, CNE
The group presented to the third-grade class at St. Francis Xavier Catholic School located in Brunswick, GA. The project topic was imperative for this specific class due to a student in the classroom with an actual severe peanut allergy and the lack of a school nurse on campus. The group presented an interactive educational program on food allergies, what main types of foods cause allergic reactions, how to identify the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction, and what to do if an allergic reaction occurs. The importance of the use of proper hand washing techniques was included due to the high possibility of cross-contamination with allergens within the classroom. The children were provided with gift bags containing allergy awareness promotional items and activity sheets and their teacher was given a Teal-Classroom Kit and binder containing activities and emergency procedures. After our presentation, the children will have a better understanding of the dangers of food allergies and be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of allergic reactions. With this knowledge, there will be a decrease of future occurrences of food-related reactions.