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The Titanic Sinking: 1912: Films on Demand

This libguide overviews the history, the people, and the legacy of the Titanic and provides sources for additional research

Films about the Titanic



(The Titanic's bow on the ocean floor)

Videos on How the Titanic is Researched Today

A Man of Destiny (09:42): On April 14, 1912, Titanic collided with an iceberg and the ship's Marconi wireless operator sent out a call for help. As war loomed corporations fought for the patents to gain a stranglehold on radio. NBC was formed in 1926 and CBS followed in 1929 (Modern Marvels: Radio- Out of Thin Air, 1997)

How to Find the Titanic (01:45): Ballard came up with a new way to look for the Titanic using remote vehicles. He followed the debris trail to find the ship hidden amidst the rugged underwater terrain (Beneath the Sea, 2002)


Finding the Titanic (01:56): Ballard's strategy paid off, and after nine long days of exploring the ocean with remote-viewing equipment, he finally found the Titanic. (Beneath the Sea, 2002)


Exploring the Titanic (01:25): Ballard explored the Titanic in a manned submarine and sent a remote-controlled camera in to take pictures (Beneath the Sea, 2002)


Videos on The Titanic from A Mathematical and Physics Perspective

The Hull of the Titanic (02:08): A Triangular Prism: The hull of a ship is basically a hollowed out volume of air that keeps the density of the ship less than or equal to that of water. Comparisons are made about the volume of rectangular and triangular prisms. (Area and Volume, 2010)


Density and Hull of the Titanic (03:33): The volume and density of the Titanic's hull are determined on the TI-Nspire. Step-by-step instructions guide the viewer through the calculations. (Area and Volume, 2010)


Calculations: The Sinking of the Titanic (02:40): Using the TI-Nspire, viewers calculate at what percentage of the volume would the Titanic have taken on too much water to make it sink. Step-by-step instructions guide viewers through calculations on the TI-Nspire. (Area and Volume, 2010)


Volume and Density (01:53): What are the geometric principles behind the sinking of the Titanic? How is a ship of its size able to float in the first place? Density is the ratio of the mass of an object to its volume. (Area and Volume, 2010)


Videos on Other Shipwrecks

Search for the Etruscan Ship (05:54): Luc Long returns to the shipwreck site to see if the ship's hull lies beneath the ocean floor. Divers remove four layers of amphorae and discover a rib of the ship's hull, proof that the expedition has found the largest commercial ship of the ancient world. (Enigma of the Etruscans: Clues from a Shipwreck, 2002)

Largest Antique Shipwreck (05:54) : Researchers determine that their Etruscan wreck is the first and largest complete shipwreck that has even been found. Under stringent time pressure, researchers raise 50 amphorae but do not have time to find the ship itself beneath the cargo. (Enigma of the Etruscans: Clues from a Shipwreck, 2002)

Analysis of Shipwreck Cargo (04:43): Among the Etruscan amphorae, a small oil lamp may reveal secrets about the Etruscans who made it. Indications are that the amphorae were made in Pyrgi (now Cerveteri), where ancient blocks of the Etruscan port are still seen. (Enigma of the Etruscans: Clues from a Shipwreck, 2002)

Wreck Diving (02:39): Ballard describes the dangers of wreck-diving, recalling a harrowing experience of a manned submarine that became trapped in a shipwreck. (Beneath the Sea, 2002).

Underwater Archaeology (05:27): Discovering New History: Off the coast of southern Turkey, Professor George Bass was the director of the first archaeological expedition to entirely excavate an ancient shipwreck. (The Future of the Past, 2000).


Soundscapes and Shipwrecks on Film (02:56): Sound can tell a story without a visual. A shipwreck can be portrayed with sounds of the sea, crashing waves, elements of storm and the ship breaking up.(The Technology of Film, 2003).